Tax Planning and Compliance
Our talented and seasoned tax professionals are dedicated to helping you navigate your way through the constantly changing and complex trends in tax regulation.
We assist businesses, individuals, and organizations with tax planning, strategy, and compliance. Our knowledge in a vast number of industries is a vital tool that will help your entity remain competitive and compliant.
Thomas Sherwood, CPA leads of our tax department with over 30 years of experience. Tax planning is an essential function that contributes to the success of every entity. We work to integrate the most effective tax strategy into our clients’ overall business plans, taking into account short and long-term goals. We understand the need for sound, cost-effective tax advice.
Contact us for a free consultation
Individual tax planning and preparation
Lilling specializes in tax planning and compliance for high net worth individuals. We have built our practice by building personal relationships and will work with you on an individual basis to help reduce and defer your current and future tax liabilities.
We believe that building long-term relationships is key to successful individual tax compliance and planning. We will work with you to understand your financial and tax goals so we can effectively plan for the future and protect you from the changing tax laws.
Corporate and Business Tax
Lilling specializes in corporate and business tax including preparation and planning for commercial entities, investment entities, broker-dealers, not-for-profits, and real estate entities.
We will work with your business to effectively plan its tax needs to limit its current and future tax liabilities. Lilling helps businesses in a wide array of industries, in both the United States and abroad, meet their tax compliance needs.
Athletes and Entertainers
Lilling understands the unique tax needs of professional athletes and entertainers.
Lilling has an Athlete and Entertainment tax practice that spans the National Basketball Association, National Football League, and members of the SAG-AFTRA union.
We will work with you to understand your financial goals and needs and how to limit your tax liabilities in each state you perform.